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Community Partnerships

Become a Community Partner. Partners play a crucial role in enhancing the lives of our scholars. By contributing resources and partnering with us, you can:

  • Provide In-Kind Support: Extend services like dental care, job opportunities, or donate items like sports equipment or tickets to events

  • Support Our Programs: Partner with us to enhance tutoring programs, extracurricular activities, and other key aspects of our programming

  • Mentorship Programs: Refer interested employees or friends to learn more about our mentoring program

  • Volunteer Opportunities: 

    • Enrichment Activity: Organize team-building or career exploration activities for Challenge scholars

    • Donate a Lunch: Provide a community lunch for scholars 

    • Teach: Share your expertise by leading workshops or mentoring scholars

    • Be a Guest Speaker: Share your expertise by leading an enrichment activity or connecting us with valuable community resources for our scholars

By partnering with The Challenge Foundation, you are investing in the future of our community!

"I'm thankful for my health, family, friends, and for the generosity of The Challenge Foundation and their partners."

- Sergio, TCF Alum

"Everyone in Challenge has a bright future because of the great work of this program."

- Nobel, TCF College Scholar

"The Challenge Foundation empowers not just students, but entire families, by offering an incredible education, support and the opportunity to unlock a brighter future for all, changing our communities for generations to come!"

- Kari Davis, TCF National Board Member

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